Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Alice Walker Essay - 1482 Words
Best known for her Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Color Purple, Alice Walker portrays black women struggling for sexual as well as racial equality and emerging as strong, creative individuals. Walker was born on February 9, 1944, in Eatonton, Georgia, the eighth child of Willie Lee and Minnie Grant Walker. When Walker was eight, her right eye was injured by one of her brothers, resulting in permanent damage to her eye and facial disfigurement that isolated her as a child. This is where her feminine point of view first emerged in a household where girls were forced to do the domestic chores unaided by the brothers. Throughout her writing career, Alice Walker has been involved in the black movement and displays strong feelings towards†¦show more content†¦amp;#9;Walker is very much of a feminist, which is demonstrated by the previous quote. According to David Bradley of The New York Times, amp;quot;She coined the term amp;quot;womanistamp;quot; which she used to describe the Black women’s issues that are at the heart of so much of her workamp;quot;(1984). One of the major themes that she had incorporated within several of her writings was the difference between black and white authors, along with the Women’s Movement. She contemplated the fact that black women had been suppressed for so long that they would never know what kind of great artists they may have lost during all the times while there was slavery. This is what the short story amp;quot;In Search of Our Mother’s Gardensamp;quot; discusses. The title has a special meaning because Walker is referring to her own mother. In this work, she discusses all the talents of older black women writers such as Phyllis Wheatley and Zora Neal Hurston. What she is referring to in the title is her own mother’s talent in art and gardening. She talks about how well known her mother was for her gardening skills that even strangers would stop and admire her handiwork. She points out the fact that it was so beautiful that her childhood, which was filled with poverty and sadness, was made a little more bearable because of it. When she thinks back on it, all she remembers is the beautiful neighborhood, and hasShow MoreRelatedMeridian, by Alice Walker874 Words  | 4 PagesThe women of the late sixties, although some are older than others, in Alice Walker’s fiction that exhibit the qualities of the developing, emergent model are g reatly influenced through the era of the Civil Rights Movement. Motherhood is a major theme in modern women’s literature, which examines as a sacred, powerful, and spiritual component of the woman’s life. Alice Walker does not choose Southern black women to be her major protagonists only because she is one, but because she had discoveredRead MoreThe Color Purple by Alice Walker675 Words  | 3 Pagesthe world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men.†Straight from the mouth of Alice Walker this quote was spoken in order to point out that fact that none of God’s creatures were put on this Earth to be someone else’s property. Alice Walker is an African-American novelist and poet who took part in the 1960’s civil rights movement in Mississippi. Walkers creative vision was sparked by the financial sufferingRead MoreThe Color Purple By Alice Walker1444 Words  | 6 PagesNicholas English Mrs. Kennedy English III 18 October 2014 RadaRada Alice Walker Alice Walker as a writer, artist, short story author, dissident and women s activist has constructed a well-known notoriety around the world. Her exceptionally acclaimed novel The Color Purple turned out in 1982, won her a Pulitzer Prize in 1983 and the American Book Award, the first African American lady to win these two grants. (Alice) Everyday Use is one of her famous and grand short stories in which she addressesRead MoreThe Color Purple by Alice Walker926 Words  | 4 PagesThe award-winning novel, â€Å"The Color Purple†by Alice Walker, is a story about a woman going through cruel things such as: incest, rape, and physical abuse. This greatly written novel comes from a very active feminist author who used many of her own experiences, as well as things that were happening during that era, in her writing. â€Å"The Color Purple†takes place in the early 1900s, and symbolizes the economic, emotional, and social deprivation that African American women faced in Sou thern statesRead MoreThe Color Purple By Alice Walker1540 Words  | 7 Pages Alice Walker is an award winning  author, most famously recognized for her novel  The Color Purple ;aside from being a novelist Walker is also a poet,essayist and activist .Her writing explores various social aspects as it concerns women and also celebrates political as well as social revolution. Walker has gained the reputation of being a prominent spokesperson and a symbolic figure for black feminism. Proper analyzation  of Walker s work comes from the  knowledge on her early life, educationalRead MoreThe Color Purple By Alice Walker1355 Words  | 6 PagesSiera Osborne Mr.Karr Composition 1 4 December, 2015 Just A Single Purple Wildflower In A Field Of Weeds Alice walker once said, â€Å"No person is your friend (or kin) who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow and be perceived as fully blossomed as you were intended. Or who belittles in any fashion the gifts you labor so to bring into the world.†The color purple has timelessly been used to convey pictures of power and ambition, it is also associated with the feeling of independence. TheRead MoreThe Color Purple by Alice Walker1100 Words  | 5 PagesThe Color Purple by Alice Walker is a story written in 1982 that is about the life struggles of a young African American woman named Celie. The novel takes the reader through several main topics including the poor treatment of African American women, domestic abuse, family relationships, and also religion. The story takes place mostly in rural Georgia in the early 1900’s and demonstrates the difficult life of sharecropper families. Specifically how life was endured from the perspective of an AfricanRead More Alice Walker and the Color Purple887 Words  | 4 PagesAlice Walker is an African-American woman’s activist/feminist and author who was born in the early 1940s, in Eatonton, Georgia. Walker lived in the the rural south at a time when there were heavy poverty and racial violence amongst most African Americans. The circumstances that Walker faced ended up contributing to the person that she is today and it is reflected in many of her novels. Even throughout the trials and tribulations that Walker endured, she was still able to succeed in life. As a youngRead MoreThe Color Purple By Alice Walker3360 Words  | 14 Pagesâ€Å"Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender†(Yahwon). Alice Walker views herself as a womanist. Although a womanist and feminist are similar, the two terms are not exactly the same. According to Professor Tamara Baeouboeuf-Lafonant: [Womanism] focuses on the experiences and knowledge bases of black women [which] recognizes and interrogates the social realities of slavery, segregation, sexism, and economic exploitation this group has experienced during its history in the United States. FurthermoreRead MoreThe Color Purple By Alice Walker1707 Words  | 7 PagesAlice Walker, the author of The Color Purple, grew up in the harsh conditions of the South in the 1940’s. Alice walker was raised in the middle of the Women’s Rights Movement and had to find hope to get through all of the challenges she had to face. In The Color Purple, Alice Walker uses the main character, Celie, as an example of hope. Hope helps Celie overcome oppression, abuse, and other challenges. Celie is used as an example of the life of a woman during the time of the Civil Rights Movement
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Factors that Influenced Shakespeares Writing of Romeo and...
Factors that Influenced Shakespeares Writing of Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare was clearly influenced by the events of his time, and this is apparent especially in Romeo and Juliet. To dismiss this play as a mere fable is to overlook some very important religious and political changes of the time which are evidently woven into the storyline of the play. Shakespeares religious beliefs are uncertain, but it is known that his father was Catholic, and that he lived in a time of religious stratification across both community and family ties. As a result of the queens toleration for vagueness in this area, people became accustomed to religious tension and confusion at a very personal level. Many†¦show more content†¦The youth of England however, were not content with the Settlement. This applies especially to the Protestant youth who wanted the Reformation to be completed on a model provided by Jean Calvins Geneva. Otherwise known as Puritans, they viewed the Settlement as a kind of intermediate state. This extreme version of Protestantism, as well as the remaining Catholics whose loyalty still belonged only to the Pope, continued to prevent the nation from reaching religious stability. Shakespeare, who was a loyal subject and supporter of the queen, offers a commentary on this situation in Romeo and Juliet. The Queens church reflected her own likings for the externals of Catholic worship and she hated the religious enthusiasm of the Puritan movement. The Settlement also allowed her to stay in control over the state religion, whereas the Puritan belief in independent church government undermined her power and the national unity she tried to reach. Although it would seem that Romeo and Juliet is a criticism of the well-known social rules that regarded marriage as being contradictory to actual romantic love, a closer reading of the text shows that the youth in the play are the ones whose actions result in violence and death. Shakespeare seems to dispute the individualsShow MoreRelatedShakespeare in Love Essay2078 Words  | 9 Pagesworking on, Romeo and Juliet, in which love is not meant to be due to the many obstacles in the way. Shakespeares life in the film is very comparable to Romeos life in Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeares life in the film and the play he is writing has several similarities and differences. In my opinion, this is one of the best movies and books to compare. Shakespeare in Love is a fairly accurate representation of the life of William Shakespeare at the time he was writing Romeo and JulietRead MorePoe vs. Shakespeare Essay1556 Words  | 7 Pagessimilarities and differences between the two. Each author could lure their audiences by the characteristics of their writing. Their places in society also differed, as each had different ways of dealing with the people in their society. Furthermore, the influences each of them had in literature have molded how many people see them as transcendent and prestigious authors. The types of writing that Poe and Shakespeare wrote can be compared and contrasted in two categories, genre and language. Both Poe andRead MoreThe Renaissance and It’s Affect on William Shakespeare’s Works2369 Words  | 10 PagesOne of Shakespeare’s most famous plays, Julius Caesar, believed to be written in 1599 (Shakespeare, 1998), was based off of the work of Plutarch, a Greek historian, biographer and essayist. Plutarch documented the lives of over 46 notable Greeks and Romans (Blackburn, 2008). 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Ferdowsis Shahnameh, the national epic of Iran, is a mythical and heroic retelling of Persian history. Amir Arsalan was also a popular mythical Persian story, which has influenced some modern works of fantasy fiction, such as The Heroic Legend of Arslan. A famous example
Idea Of Launching A New Product In The Market †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Project Plan Launching A New Product . Answer: Project introduction The following project plan would entirely be based over the idea of Launching a new product in the market. Since, the plan would be for launching a new product, which would be a Micro SD card, this particular project plan would be no less than a marketing plan. Now a typical marketing plan includes certain aspects that would be ignored in this following project plan since, this can be referred as a preliminary plan. However, it also is necessary to involve the details of the product that would be offered to a precise targeted market segment (Bharadwaj et.al, 2013). The educational background is a demographic element that can be considered for segmenting a market, which automatically is created by students. Almost everyone in this precise student or the young segment have an access to mobile devices that they use for their daily purposes of communicating and personal entertainment. For this reason, they need space, enough to store anything they wish; the world has moved into the era of mobile technology along with high-end communication technologies, which clearly justifies the viability o f this project plan (Bhuiyan, 2011). Project teams and their roles The project would certainly be divided into a group of people including the following: Product designer: The first and foremost important role would be of this particular individual. This is the individual that would develop the product in the most innovative and adequate manner. Since, the idea is about launching a Micro SD card that would provide enough space that have never been offered. Thus, it is important for this individual to decide upon; micro SD cards that are available in the market are mostly about 1 GB to 128 GB. This space for some users isnt enough, thus creates the opportunity for the product to be launched. The space that would offer is 256 GB; the designer would also consider the compatibility of devices for some devices might find this much space incompatible (Blank, 2013). Marketing manager: This would be the individual that would be given maximum responsibilities; however he would as well be work closely under managements supervision. The marketing manager would develop the marketing mix, would conduct the STP if he/she feels the need for it, and would develop strategies for targeting and then positioning the product effectively. He would also conduct SWOT and PESTLE for developing a clear understanding about personal strengths and weakness along with the current market conditions (Djelassi and Decoopman, 2013). Workers: These would be teams that will give shape to the product idea that has been finalized. The teams would as well be supervised by their individual project managers that would ensure that each one of the workers is putting his/her best efforts. Product manager: This particular individual would ensure that the final output matches the different standards of quality. Customers demand nothing but quality of the product they are willing to spend their money upon. Thus, this particular person has an important role to play. PR: The PR would be entitled with the responsibility to establish relation with the targeted customer segment along with the probable customers as well. The PR would be allotted a portion of the budget to conduct PR events, such as fair or anything the individual finds suitable (Nicholas et.al, 2011). Project stages and key deliverables Fundamentally there are multiple stages that every entrepreneur must consider before he/she is determined to launch a new product into the market that already has different options for this particular category of product. The stages are: Starting early: It always works for an organization that initiates their launching activities approximately 4-8 weeks early. It would be a waste of time, if an organization is waiting for the right time. Any time that the entrepreneur is planning to launch is right; however, one must maintain the curiosity among the customers (Werbach, 2013). Making the product available to the influencing customers: In other words celebrities; almost 80% of the segment that has been targeted for this project considers celebrities to be their idols (politicians, players, movie stars, singers etc.). An access to such individuals would certainly mean greater potential outcome (Durmu?o?lu and Barczak, 2011). Maintaining low profile: Either developing a contingency plan or maintaining low profile would be better. In case the product that is to be offered is truly innovative one must not expect an enormous release. Unusual: Customers have a tendency to be highly curious to whatever seems new and different. Thus, doing something unusual might click. Seeding social gaps with leaks: Targeting individuals that are naturally eager interested to anything they see would be another way for launching in a better manner. Project time management This particular segment would include the WBS Figure 1: WBS for the product launch Gantt chart The Gantt chart for this particular project would incorporate every tiny detail that would generate for accomplishing the entire task of launching the micro SD card in consideration to the time slot for each activity (Molina-Castillo et.al, 2011). Figure 2: Gantt chart Budget Since, this project would be concerned about launching a new product, it is necessary to decide the budget for executing the entire chain of activities. Marketing activities tend to attract major portion of the budget than actual production of the product (Ernst et.al, 2011). Thus almost 60% of the budget would be directed towards the marketing activities along with the PR activities. Quality plan In order to ensure that the product has been developed considering the maximum quality standard, it is necessary for the management to develop a quality plan. APQP or the Advance Product Quality Planning Standard has been defined to be the organized method for describing along with establishing important steps for ensuring customers are satisfied with the products and services (McGrath, 2013). Risk register The risk register is typically a record or a catalogue virtual or real (hand written) containing every possible risk that the organization might have to come across during its operations. The risk register for this project might incorporate the following: Name of the risk Probability Marketing risks Higher (Since the marketing activities have been allotted with major portion of the budget) Distribution risks Moderate (Since, acquiring new product despite of its size is easy and can be done using internet) Mass appeal Higher (Since, one segment of the market might not consider the approach suitable or preferable that other segment would find attractive) Sustainability risk High (Due to the large number of production houses) References Bharadwaj, A., El Sawy, O.A., Pavlou, P.A. and Venkatraman, N.V., 2013. Digital business strategy: toward a next generation of insights. Bhuiyan, N., 2011. A framework for successful new product development.Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management,4(4), pp.746-770. Blank, S., 2013.The four steps to the epiphany: successful strategies for products that win. BookBaby. Djelassi, S. and Decoopman, I., 2013. Customers' participation in product development through crowdsourcing: Issues and implications.Industrial Marketing Management,42(5), pp.683-692. Durmu?o?lu, S.S. and Barczak, G., 2011. The use of information technology tools in new product development phases: Analysis of effects on new product innovativeness, quality, and market performance.Industrial Marketing Management,40(2), pp.321-330. Ernst, H., Hoyer, W.D., Krafft, M. and Krieger, K., 2011. Customer relationship management and company performancethe mediating role of new product performance.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,39(2), pp.290-306. McGrath, R.G., 2013.The end of competitive advantage: How to keep your strategy moving as fast as your business. Harvard Business Review Press. Molina-Castillo, F.J., Jimenez-Jimenez, D. and Munuera-Aleman, J.L., 2011. Product competence exploitation and exploration strategies: The impact on new product performance through quality and innovativeness.Industrial Marketing Management,40(7), pp.1172-1182. Nicholas, J., Ledwith, A. and Perks, H., 2011. New product development best practice in SME and large organisations: theory vs practice.European Journal of Innovation Management,14(2), pp.227-251. Werbach, A., 2013.Strategy for sustainability: A business manifesto. Harvard Business Press.
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